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Krakow and Settling in at the Gallery

9:20 AM

Last weekend I went with some gallery girls (one from mine, and her friend) to Krakow for a photography exhibition. I was so thrilled when I learned the theme was fashion photography... right up my alley. It was a great, and interesting weekend, aside from Zuzia and I being kind of sick. But the weather was amazing and we had some really good food. It was the first time I'd been to the city and not done tourist things. But since I'd been there several times before, I was ok with that.

These birds are alive- their cage attached to a painting and hanging on the wall.
For dinner on Saturday night we went to the edge of nowhere to find a truck that serves sausage out of a truck (well they cook it over a fire thingy in front of the truck) with a bun and rare Polish super-artificial-so-I-don't-know-what-the-flavor-actually-is soda. Best kielbasa of my life. The line was ridiculous and the joke was "now you know how Poland ate under communism."

So sometimes you just have to jam out in a synagogue to a Linkin' Park cover. Totally normal.

It's funny to think it's taken almost to the end of my internship to really fit in. The bosses have warmed up to me; especially since I speak some Polish. I also got on the good side of one by sending her the picture I'd taken at the Rothko opening. My work is even showing up in public spaces; for example this is my translation (it also goes through editors, after, by the way) http://zacheta.art.pl/en/page/view/196/wydarzenia-festiwal-the-artists and on Zacheta's facebook they have used my photographs! You can see them here: https://www.facebook.com/zacheta/photos_stream Peter Land is an incredibly kind person, as is his wife (whom another intern and myself were sent to pick up at the airport). Here's my favorite picture that was used by the gallery:

I'm also starting to get to recognize many artists, even meeting some of them. And most importantly to me, I think, I've learned how to visit a gallery. That sounds simple, but previously I'd kind of just walked through. I feel like I now know how to spend my time- what to look at/for- and how to discuss it. Even when I think the works are horrendous. I've also learned the best way to be kept working at home past midnight on a project is to complain about being bored because you don't have anything to do. At first, I thought I'd made a mistake in thinking I wanted to be a director of a museum or gallery some day; that I was bored and wasn't challenged enough. But I've really grown to love it here at work, and am glad I came here. I have about one week left. Figures. You fit in... you leave.

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