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The Perks of Being a Gallery Gal

9:36 PM

It certainly seems that I've hit the jackpot in terms of an internship that comes with great perks.

We had special invitations to see the Mark Rothko exhibition opening at the Warsaw National Museum of Art (not to be confused with us at Zacheta, the National Gallery of Art, which Rothko's daughter kept doing in her speech... oops).

We left work rather early so decided to stop by "Baby-Zacheta" if you will call it so, to see the  exhibition going on over there. It's really interesting, and kind of creepy, all at the same time. It's mostly full of collages, but the basement has a strange sculptural evil bunny thing going on that smells like a barn.

After that short stop, we headed to the Rothko opening. We felt so special with our invitations, and there were special police around in anticipation of the President and his wife. And yes, I mean the President of Poland. There were many many important people there, especially from the art world. Agata would point out artists to me, and I even did a little awkward picture taking of a few of them. Who knows, maybe someday my photos of these people will become valuable!

We were actually more amused by the bald guy packing heat, than Mark Rothko's daughter (long, grey hair) who was speaking to... an important guy (yellow tie)
This is a young artist in Poland, and he kept bumping into me in the cattle-herd towards the exhibition. He's too tall for his own good. He kind of looks like someone I've met back home in the Thrill.
This is the President's wife. She arrived alone, making everybody wait for her arrival, and then led the pack to the exhibition. FYI, my camera doesn't have zoom. That's how close I was.
Oh hey, Mr. President of Poland. How are you?-- It's interesting that the President of this entire country has about as much security as a governor of an American state does. He just came in late, I was very close to him, and security let people approach. When Obama came to Chapel Hill, we weren't allowed to walk certain paths of campus and we had guys on roof tops acting all scary. It's quite strange. Also, as you can see he doesn't have a mustache. I learned this is a recent change that has sparked debate in Poland, as many prominent male leaders in history, and simply in authoritative positions, have a mustache. 
The woman on the left is from Zacheta, and was the one kind enough to give us invitations to this event! That is her friend, as they look on at a Rothko painting. I will send this picture along to her tomorrow as a surprise!
Agata, Julie, and Ewa
I absolutely love this picture! Ewa's mom, the sweetest person in the world, took it, but we were all chatting about how to use my special lens. It was amusing, but I prefer these candid pictures to the posey ones.
Food monitor girl, she was a pro, and had a great headpiece. The guests here attacked any food that made it's way out like they were all starving. Which is odd seeing as in order to have an invitation, it is somewhat implied that you are not poor off in life. At least well off enough to not need to stalk gallery openings. Although... I must admit... whatever the chocolate thing was that I had, it was absolutely incredible. I am rather proud of my calm nature after tasting it.

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