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Figures it all comes together when you are about to leave

10:11 PM

source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:POL_Warszawa_Teatr_Powszechny_4.jpg
A few weeks ago, I wasn't so happy in my internship. It wasn't because the gallery is boring, or that anyone was unkind or unwelcoming. It was because I didn't have enough work. Figures I'd be the one unhappy when a summer internship doesn't keep me busy as a bee. But after mentioning this to my host institution, I was presented with another internship opportunity that only now manifested itself.
However, over the last two weeks, the gallery has (after I mentioned my level of ... ennui... if you will) found more than enough to keep me busy. It turns out, when people find out a native English speaker knows some Polish, they like to give every translation opportunity possible. It also happens that when people find out you can work a camera, you are a good backup tool when the regular photographer is busy. Unfortunately, all that work came a tad late. I have been asked to work at the Powszechny Theater across the river. I wanted to work at the theater months ago, but they are renovating (more like entire facelift, which is really making the place look much fresher and friendly) so they thought there would be no room for an intern. It turns out they could have used the help. So on Monday I start a short run at the theater! The season is over, but that doesn't mean they stop working. I had an interview on Wednesday with the literature department. Let me just say, if I were to really enter the theater world, this would be where I'd dream of working. I got a private tour of the theater and it's innards, including the beautiful library with old books that looks like things of the past touched by the greats. I've also gotten some possible research topic inspirations from the visit (which I won't share here because I want to keep them secret and so no one will steal them!)

Any way. I'm disappointed that all this excitement has come as I near the end of my time here in Warsaw. I think it's a trick- the city is trying its best to win me over. I think it wants me to return.

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