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End of the First Week

10:00 AM

So I haven't really gotten into a good food pattern, my back isn't happy with the bed that has a huge crevice down the middle (basically a couch folded out), and my sleep isn't really normal, either. But things are settling down, and I went for a really nice walk and evening snacks with a girl from work yesterday. Her boyfriend works on a boat that is on the Wisła where you can buy good drinks and delicious, affordable food. It was really nice (until the mosquitos came out from where ever their devilish horde was hiding and attacked my feet).

Funny, though, I was reminded that everywhere you go, you have the mean girls, the nice girls, the hard workers, and the whiners. I'd just always been in a small international group during my times in Poland. Working in an office, as an actual member of the workforce in a professional establishment, I'm seeing Poland for the first time as it truly is. I still love it.

I'm also still doing that thing where I answer someone's question with a totally irrelevant answer because I think they are asking me about something else, and I start throwing in Russian words as I spiral down and they walk away just nodding. But I've also gotten good at the smiling and nodding when people think my Polish is far more advanced than it really is. Maybe my Polish class that starts next week with remedy this a bit.

On the walk last night, we got really close to the new stadium that was built for the Euro Cup. At night, the white lights up in kind of flashing pattern. It's pretty, in a "pretty football stadium" kind of way. Sorry all my pictures aren't great, I only had my iPod on this little journey.

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